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A course for advanced users in German and in French intended for certified WIN users is being held this year at the beginning of every month in the form of a webinar. This course is structured according to 11 modules and offers everyone who is interested the opportunity to approach in-depth and comprehensively all clinically relevant aspects of WIN lingual treatment. In every lesson at the respective dates, each of which will take two hours, Professor Wiechmann will address various topics.
From their place, all participants can log in to the webinar and attend the course live on screen. This will include the possibility to raise questions online, which Professor Wiechmann will respond to at the end of the respective webinar lesson.
Course Videos Available in the Online Archive at Any Time
While it started in February, WIN users who are interested can still register for the course, since all lessons that were already held have been saved to, and can be viewed in, our online archive as a video clip. This would also seem to be a plus for those participants who had something else to do at one of the past webinar dates.
Advanced course: You can still register
The course fee for all 11 webinars is a flat 1,000 €.
Late registrations are still possible using the online form provided at https://www.lingualsystems-win.fr/#/course/fortgeschrittenenkurs_webinar/or, if preferred, by phone at +49 5472 9544 4267. Of course, the line is also open to answer any other question related to the webinar.